International Abstract Research Awards

Congratulations to the 2024 International Abstract Awardees

Best International Abstract

Fabio Araujo, RD, MHS

View Past Best International Abstract Award Winners

International Abstracts of Distinction

Fabio Araujo, RD, MHS

Lu Ke, PhD

Chin Han Charles Lew, APD, PhD

International Poster of Distinction: 

NaRae Lee


  • Any investigator residing in a country other than the United States who submits an Original Abstract to the ASPEN Nutrition Science & Practice Conference.

Application Information  

  • Submit abstracts to ASPEN's Abstract Submission Site, and the submitter will be prompted with the choice to opt-in for the award. 
  • ASPEN’s Abstract Review Committee selects the award winners. 

The Awards Include:  

  • Best International Abstract: The presenting author will receive a certificate of accomplishment, and JPEN Online will publish the Best International Abstract label with your abstract.
  • International Abstracts of Distinction: The presenting author will receive a certificate of accomplishment, and JPEN Online will publish the Abstract of Distinction label with your abstract.