
Ready to achieve a new level of professional growth and recognition? Consider becoming certified in nutrition support. Nutrition Support Certification is the process which validates, based upon predetermined standards, an individual’s qualifications and level of knowledge to practice in nutrition support. Becoming certified may offer you opportunities to gain recognition from colleagues and patients, job opportunities, or even increased privileges or promotion. 

ASPEN offers a wide range of resources to help you focus your preparation to take any of the certification exams below. 

The following organizations offer certification programs in nutrition support:

NBNSC National Board for Nutrition Support Certification (NBNSC) 

The NBNSC and its credentialing program promote the safe delivery of nutrition support by certified professionals who have the necessary level of knowledge and skills to provide quality care. Nutrition support is a sophisticated and specialized practice that requires the expertise and knowledge of multiple health-care professionals including physicians, dietitians, pharmacists, physician assistants, and nurses. The NBNSC offers the only psychometrically validated nutrition support examination that is specifically available to dietitians, nurses, pharmacists, physicians, and physician assistants who want to become Board Certified as a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician®, (CNSC®). The CNSC® examination measures an individual's knowledge of safe and effective multidisciplinary practice in nutrition support. Board certification for nutrition support clinicians is highly valued and provides formal recognition of multidisciplinary nutrition support knowledge. The CNSC® exam is offered both nationally and internationally.  
NOTICE: CNSC certification exam updates related to COVID-19 are on the NBNSC website.

Phone  Email Website 
301-587-6315  [email protected]   www.nutritioncare.org/NBNSC/ 

BPSBoard of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) 
Specialty certification in nutrition support is available to pharmacists through the Board of Pharmacy Specialties to become a Board Certified Nutrition Support Pharmacist (BCNSP). Nutrition support pharmacy addresses the care of patients who receive specialized nutrition support, including parenteral and enteral nutrition. The nutrition support pharmacist has responsibility for promoting maintenance and/or restoration of optimal nutritional status, designing and modifying treatment according to the needs of the patient. The nutrition support pharmacist has responsibility for direct patient care and often functions as a member of a multidisciplinary nutrition support team. Those who are granted certification in this specialty may use the designation Board Certified Nutrition Support Pharmacist and the initials BCNSP, as long as certification is valid.

Phone  Website 
202-429-7591   www.bpsweb.org  

NBPNS 2015National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists  (NBPNS)
The NBPNS offers a physician certification program for expertise in nutrition.

Phone  Website 
240-428-3641   www.nbpns.org  


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