Ektron 9.00

Upgrading to Ektron Version Ektron 9.00

The upgrade procedure copies Ektron’s latest features to your Web server. Ektron is installed to its own folder, C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron\CMS400v90. This means it can coexist with previous versions on the same machine—the template directories are independent.

If you are upgrading from version 8.0 or higher, follow the instructions in this section. If you are upgrading from an earlier version and need assistance, please contact Ektron technical support.

For information about the system requirements for the current release, see the Ektron System Requirements. If your system does not conform to these requirements, you should upgrade your system before installing or upgrading Ektron.

IMPORTANT: Each deployment has unique requirements. Ektron recommends that you engage with a Certified Ektron Partner when making decisions about the needs of your specific production environment.

IMPORTANT: You cannot upgrade Ektron sample or starter sites. They are designed to demonstrate the product's latest features, so each version is uniquely created to support a release.

WARNING! During the upgrade procedure, your website’s Bin, Workarea and Documentation folders are removed. Any customized files in these folders will be lost. Only store custom files in these folders when absolutely necessary. Even then, keep a backup file in another folder.

The Site Setup utility uses files in the CMS400v9x base folder to create and upgrade Ektron sites. The base folder contains these subfolders.